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SBA OPPAE Evaluation, Research, and Evidence-Building Services to Support Performance Management BPA

Contract No.: 73351023A0016

Contract Dates: 04/26/2023 - 04/25/2028

DUNS: 061423377

Cage Code: 3VCG3



BCT was awarded a five-year, $8M, blanket purchase agreement (BPA) with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), Office of Program Performance, Analysis, and Evaluation (OPPAE), to provide evaluation, research, and other evidence-building services. BCT partnered with the Rutgers Center for Urban Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (CUEED) and Covenant Business Concepts in winning this opportunity. In line with the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (Evidence Act) and the SBA Administrator’s vision, BCT’s team will design, implement, and communicate the results of evaluation, research, and evidence-building activities of interest to the SBA. These activities may include evaluation design, evaluability assessments, evaluations, logic model and metric development, foundational research and analysis, policy and other analyses (economic analysis, regulatory analysis, etc.), general program assessment and program development services, survey development, data collection and analysis, data visualization, data quality assessments, technical assistance, and auxiliary/support services which may be necessary to complete a particular project. BCT’s team was awarded this contract vehicle in the following functional areas:


  • Evaluation, Research, and Analysis – Use scientific inquiry, program evaluation methods, research methods, and other analytical methods to develop, assess, or improve social policy and programs.

  • Data Science – Data generation, standardization, management, governance, collection, analysis, reporting, protection, visualization, use, and dissemination, including expertise associated with statistical and related techniques to protect and de-identify confidential data, to support evidence-informed decision-making.

  • Technical Assistance/Capacity Building – Develop training and technical resources for technical and non-technical staff to build capacity to collect, generate, synthesize, prioritize, disseminate, and use evidence to inform decision-making.



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