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Contract Vehicles

Content on this website are being reviewed and updated as necessary to comply with executive orders. 

GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) GWAC

The General Services Administration (GSA) Professional Services Schedule (PSS) (formerly Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS) Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) program offers a full range of management and consulting services that can improve a federal agency’s performance and their endeavor in meeting mission goals. 


View GSA Multiple Award Schedule >


HHS Administration for Community Living (ACL) IDIQ

The mission of the Administration for Community Living (ACL), within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is to maximize the independence, well-being, and health of older adults, people with disabilities across the lifespan, and their families and caregivers. This IDIQ will be used as a means of providing services to ACL of varying scope and duration.




NIH CIO-SP3 Small Business and 8(a) GWAC

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Chief Information Officer Solutions and Partners 3 (CIO-SP3) is a Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) that offers government agencies IT solutions and services in a broad range of areas that include, but are not limited to the health and biomedical fields.





HHS Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) IDIQ

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) mission is to enhance substance abuse (SA) prevention and SA/Mental Health (MH) treatment—leading to recovery by people affected by behavioral health (BH) issues. The SAMHSA Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contract supports the agency’s technical assistance and training needs.





HHS Program Support Center (PSC) IDIQ

This Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contract is administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Program Support Center (PSC) to provide social science-related services and can be used by any Government department/agency to procure services.






The 8(a) Streamlined Technology Acquisition Resource for Services (STARS) III Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) — a/k/a “STARS III”, is a Multiple Award, Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (MA-IDIQ) contract to provide information technology (IT) services and IT services-based solutions which may include the integration of ancillary support which is necessary and integral to the IT services being acquired. STARS III Master Contract awards are reserved exclusively for qualifying Small Business Administration (SBA) certified 8(a) prime contractors with competitive prices.





HHS ACF Office of Grants Management (OGM) and Office of Head Start Services (OHS) BPA

This acquisition is in response to the changing OGM/School Readiness structure and work assignment to ensure a smooth transition of oversight and funding of Head Start grant applications across the nation and will support ongoing operations based on the newly revised structure within OGM.


HHS ACF Office of Grants Management (OGM) and Office of Head Start Services (OHS) BPA >



SBA OPPAE Evaluation, Research, and Evidence-Building Services to Support Performance Management BPA 

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is the only cabinet-level federal agency fully dedicated to small business and provides counseling, capital, and contracting expertise as the nation's only go-to resource and voice for small businesses. This contract supports their Office of Program Performance, Analysis, and Evaluation (OPPAE), to provide evaluation, research, and other evidence-building services.


SBA OPPAE Evaluation, Research, and Evidence-Building Services to Support Performance Management BPA >



Massachusetts Department of Public Health Research and Data Analysis Services

Massachusetts Department of Public Health is dedicated to promoting racial equity and eliminating inequitable morbidity and mortality due to race and other social factors for populations in Massachusetts. Inequities result from social, economic, and environmental structural factors that adversely affect certain groups of people, sometimes called the social determinants of health. Addressing racial equity focuses on the social determinants of health, incorporates cultural relevance and responsiveness, actively addresses structural and interpersonal racism, and stresses accountability for improving outcomes for all populations.


Mass. Department of Public Health Research and Data Analysis Services >


Maricopa County Department of Public Health: Maricopa County Training for Community Based Organizations

The Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH), Office of Community Empowerment partnered with local and national organizations to provide health equity training. Maricopa County’s Health Equity Training Series supports knowledge development and application for internal staff, external partners, and influencers of public health. Contractors provide trainings, seminars, workshops, technical assistance, and mentoring to assist staff and the community to better understand health disparities, address health equity, and implement best practices for addressing emergent public health issues.


Maricopa County Department of Public Health: Maricopa County Training for Community Based Organizations >

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